Monday 7 May 2018

How to Earn Easy Money Very Fast

How to Earn Easy Money Very Fast

How to Earn Easy Money Very Fast

This is not a method to earn $2 with surveys. This is the method from where you can earn $1000+ if you get it correctly.

So, today I'll teach every person how to earn easy money online.

This might seem like joke but believe me this is not.

This method actually works but believe me you won't be happy enough after sometime of using this. Income will be too good for few months but all the work will go to loss after few months.

So, here is the step you need to follow.

  1. Buy expired domains with hundreds of .edu and .gov backlinks. Though this is the first step it is major step. You can find the expired domains in, sort the domains on the basis of backlinks. Avoid hyphens and numbers, you can filter those.
  2. Now, when you find the catchy domain, analyze it in Moz and Ahrefs (I believe both), check the Wayback history from If there is any Chinese anchor or Chinese text in website avoid it. If it was used for any adult website avoid it.
  3. Also, make sure it has tons of .edu and .gov backlinks. This is the key to your success. You'll take some time for this but it's totally worth it.
  4. Now, write only one article especially focused on affiliate marketing. Please don't focus on articles in which the big giants like Techcrunch have already wrote an article. You should be sure that if you rank among top 5 on this topic you must be able to earn $1000+ in a month. So be clever enough to choose right article and it'll decide your income.
  5. Now, redirect all the .edu and .gov backlinks to that single article.
  6. After this, submit your site to Google Search Console. Submit sitemap also. Now, wait for few days. Within a week you'll blast off and rank in 1st page of your keyword. Now, if your article is interactive enough to get people's attention none can stop you from earning your biggest income in life.
  7. But don't worry, this will not last forever. After 2-3 months Big G will catch your domain and penalize it. But till this time you'll earn enough that a normal new site will give in 2-3 years. So, I told you this won't last forever and you might even regret in following my steps.

I had done same with iPage hosting related keywords in last march. They had decided to offer $125/signup and I got them enough sign ups to them that they increased my commission to $150/signup. Hence the income was really good but all those hard work will just vanish in few months. Also, you cannot use that domain for anything else.

This is a complete blackhat method. I regret teaching this to you but this is the answer to all of your common question "How to earn money online easily".

About the Author

Aamir Rana

Author & Editor

Admin is a blogger and created this blog to help other newbies related to SEO, Making Money Online, Free Softwares and Games, Computer tricks and latest news about technology.


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