Thursday, 21 February 2019

Successful Blogging with WordPress - Read Guide

Successful Blogging with WordPress - Read Guide

You get it. You're already blogging and you know the benefits. You're already using Wordpress ® for business and/or pleasure. But when you have questions, where do you go for answers? Are you satisfied with the quality of answers, support, service and professionalism? If not, the following may be your situation and we may have the answer for you.


as busy as a bee

Busy as a bee.

That's what you are! You may have a team or a "virtual assistant" to delegate tasks to or you may not. Regardless, you wear many hats in your business operation, trying to "DIY" (do it all yourself).
You want to blog, might not know how or where to start -- but one thing is certain -- you don’t want to deal with geek-speak manuals.
You want instructions "in simple English" on how to get the answers to your Wordpress ® questions.
You want a simple, step-by-step, point A to Z guide on how to setup, customize, use and market your blog - that would not only save you time and money, but also your sanity.
Because you're so busy, you've considered delegating this task to one of your staff to launch and manage your blog.


as mad as a bear with a sore head

Mad as a bear with a sore head.

You're ticked off having to waste time in the slow process of hunting down answers to your questions across multiple forums, newsgroups, websites etc.
And if you do find some answers, the technical jargon just goes way over your head! Can we say, "As clear as mud?"


as quiet as a mouse

Quiet as a mouse.

You may be an business-person looking for increased traffic and conversions for your products and services. You hear blogging can help. But even after you've setup your blog, you still don't see the results you're after.

Or you may be a marketer, taking advantage of middleman strategies with linking to merchants you're affiliated with, or monetizing your blogs using contextual ads. However, you're still confused about how to boost your search positioning, traffic and results from your blogs.

About the Author

Aamir Rana

Author & Editor

Admin is a blogger and created this blog to help other newbies related to SEO, Making Money Online, Free Softwares and Games, Computer tricks and latest news about technology.

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