Sunday, 22 October 2017

How To Create A Blog With Blogger For Free In 5 Minutes

Wanna create a blog on blogger for free, if so, you are a lucky person in the world because I will give you a detailed guide for creating a blog with easily in 5 minutes?

Do you know that WordPress blogs are better than Blogger Blogs? However, there are many new bloggers who do not want to spend a little money on blogging. For those bloggers, blogger is the best.


Having a blog is a great thing because you can share anything. Everyone can create a blog, but not everyone can manage the blog because managing a blog is a very difficult thing.

Some peaches believe that we can easily create a blog and post some articles. And then we will earn money but they do not know that blogging is not as much easy as it sounds. Of course, you can create a blog and earn money, but when your blog becomes famous and will receive enough traffic.

Anyway, there are many free blogging platforms but I will advise you to use Blogger. All the Famous Bloggers like Harsh Agarwal, Amit Agarwal, Jumedeen Khan, Rohit Mewada had all started blogging from blogger first. When they got the experience of blogging, then they all migrated to WordPress.

Similarly, when you will have some blogging experience then you can migrate to WordPress self-hosted blog. Before proceeding to guide, we will give a little information about Blogger and some questions related to Blogger.

A little about blogger

Blogger was launched by Pyra Labs on August 23, 1999. Then Google bought it in February 2003. Google bought Picasa in 2004 and integrated it into Blogger and gave its users the ability to upload photos. Google updated Blogger features and made it the most powerful free blogging platform.

If you don't know benefits of using blogger then I have mentioned all the benefits of blogger below and by reading it you can easily understand benefits of blogger.

 Benefits Of Blogger

100% Free

It is the biggest benefit of blogger. It means any user can create a blog on blogger without spending a rupee and can come to the world of blogging and can get its good experience. WordPress free platform also gives you the feature of creating a blog without spending money but it has not many features as the blogger.

Add Custom Domain

You can add a custom domain on blogger and it is 100% free. But on WordPress free platform it charges $13 for adding a custom domain.

Search Engine Optimization

Blogger is Seo(search engine optimization) friendly. Some bloggers think that blogger is not seo friendly but they are wrong. Because today blogger has all SEO features which should be there. Recently Google has added Custom Robot Header Tags in blogger which will tell crawlers what they have to crawl and what not. It means Google is continuously doing changes in blogger.

Simple Post Editor

Blogger post editor is very simple. Any user can use this very easily. Any user can write a post very easily in blogger post editor. It has many features like WordPress self-hosted blog. You can also add custom permalink in Blogger post editor which is a very good feature.

Custom Theme

You can also install custom theme on blogger. But in free Wordpress platform, you can't install a custom theme. And you can also edit HTML code of your template but in free WordPress, there is no feature like this.

Custom CSS Support

You can add custom CSS in blogger and you can make your blog beautiful by adding custom CSS. You can add custom CSS by two ways one is from template editor and second from HTML editor.

Custom Widget Install

You can also install custom widgets on a blogger blog which is necessary for a blog. You can add widgets like the popular post, recent post, related post, stylish email subscription box etc.

Full Security

If your blog is hosted on blogger then you don't need to take tension of its security. Because blogger is hosted on google servers and hacking it is a very hard.

Storage And Bandwidth

Blogger provides you 15 GB free storage but WordPress free platform gives you only 3 GB storage. Blogger gives you unlimited bandwidth. And no matter how much traffic comes to your blog, your server will not be down because Blogger is hosted on Google's servers.

Questions Related To Blogger

Q.1: - How Many Blogs Can I Create On Blogger?

Ans: - A user can have maximum 100 blogs per account.

Q.2: - How Our Address Will Look On Blogger

Ans: - Your blog address will be attached with a subdomain

Ex: -

Q.3: - Can We Add Custom Domain Later In Our Blog?

Ans: - Yes you can add custom domain later. It will not charge a cent for adding custom domain.

Q.4: - Can We Earn Money From Blogger Blog?

Ans: - Yes, you can earn money with your blogger blog from various ad networks like AdSense, Infolinks, Propeller Ads etc.

Q.5: - How Much Traffic Can Blogger Handle Per Day?

Ans: - Blogger blogs are hosted on Google servers, due to which it can load unlimited traffic per day and its server will be not down. In fact, I have seen bloggers blogs with 1 lakh traffic per day.

Q.6: - How Much Storage And Bandwidth Will It Provide?

Ans: - It will give 15 GB of storage and unlimited bandwidth. You may buy storage if needed. Its price is lower than other hosting services. Now its time to learn tutorial for creating a free blog on blogger.

Requirements  To Create A Blog With Blogger

Gmail Id: - Today everyone has a Gmail account. If you do not have it then you create a new one.

Interest: - Before starting any work, check whether you are interested in it or not. If you are not interested in any work, then you will not be able to do that work for a long time. Just like if you do not have interest in blogging, you will not be able to do blogging for a long time.

Mobile / Computer: - In today's era, everyone has a smartphone or computer. But if you have a computer then you can do blogging well. If you do not have a computer then you can also blog from the smartphone as there are a different kind of apps have been developed for Android smartphones today, which makes blogging easier. And anyway Blogger is mobile friendly. But if you are serious about blogging then you must have a computer.

Internet connection: - You need an internet connection to create and manage the blog. You can use Jio because it gives daily 1 GB which is enough for blogging.

How To Create A Blog On Blogger Easily In 5 Minutes

Step 1. First, go to

Step 2. There, click on create a blog.


Step 3. After that sign in with your Gmail account.

Step 4. Write The Following Things:


Title: - Enter your blog title here.

Address: Enter your blog address along with

Template: - Choose your blog template.

Note: - You Can Upload Custom Template Later.

Step 5. Now click on create a blog.


Step 6. Congratulations! You have successfully created a blog.

From The Editors Desk

I hope you have understood how to start a blog on blogger easily in 5 minutes. And after creating blog build some backlinks and post some unique articles. And wait for the result. I hope you will get good result. So, if you liked this post then please share it with your friends.

About the Author

Aamir Rana

Author & Editor

Admin is a blogger and created this blog to help other newbies related to SEO, Making Money Online, Free Softwares and Games, Computer tricks and latest news about technology.

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