Showing posts with label Adobe Photoshop Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adobe Photoshop Tutorials. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Specially for Halloween I will be showing you how to create a Zombie movie poster with yourself as the Zombie. No need to eat my brains and gain my knowledge as this tutorial will give you all the tips you need to create a scary and unique horror poster.

Step 1

First we will need transform our ordinary photo into Zombie freak. Try and use an angry looking picture as the living dead don't have much to smile about.
Picture 1Picture 2

Step 2
To start of we we will need to adjust the skin tone to make him look a bit more dead, You will need to make a selection around everything that is skin in your picture, In this case the hand and the face. Use the pen tool for a detailed cut. For more info on selections please see the previous tutorial about selections.
Picture 3

Once you have you skin isolated on a new layer go to Image> Adjustments> Hue and Saturation. Drop the saturation down down but not so far that it goes to black and white, Around half way will probably be good. 
Then go to Image> Adjustments> Curves. Select the blue channel and move the curve up to increase the blues, You may want to go to the red and green channels to adjust as well. This can be done in colour balance but I feel that curves give you alot more control and its a tool worth learning.

Step 3
Next your going to need to select the dodge tool, set it to shadows and and exposure of between 10 and 20%. We are going to use this to darken his eyes making them look sunken and dead. We can also use this to add some bruises and marks. Just draw over the areas you with to effect.
Picture 5

Step 4
Now we need to clone out his eyes, this can be a little bit time consuming but it is work it. Select the clone tool and alt click on white of the eye and then paint over the eyes until they are all white. This works better than simply painting them white with the brush because it keeps some of the texture and tone of the eyes.

Picture 6

Step 5
Now on a new layer colour over the area of the eyes with a deep red. Then set the Blending mode to colour, This should give the eyes a bloodshot red look.

Picture 7

Step 6
He is looking pretty freaky now but there is a few more things we can do. We are going to add some spots and wounds to his face. This can be a bit of a horrible task but its worth it in the end. Google image for things such as Acne, wound, Varicose veins and anything else you can think off. Save the images and open them up in photoshop. Use the lasso to select areas of the images you would like to put on your zombies face and copy and paste them onto your zombie image in new layers. Use a soft edge eraser to blend the edges. You will need to adjust the curves. colour balance and hue and saturation to blend these elements in with your original image. Sometimes using a blending mode of multiply helps with this.

Picture 10

Step 7
Then repeat the steps for any other zombies you would like in your image.

Picture 12Picture 11

Halloween Special Zombie Movie Poster - Step By Step Tutorial

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