Monday 14 January 2019

When it comes to starting a blog or website, one of the main question is surely how to choose the perfect web hosting service, or better yet, what are the specific characteristics and fundamental criteria to use when selecting a hosting provider.

How To Find And Choose The Best Hosting Services 2019

If you want a complete answer, then read the article and tell you more about how to make your choice among several competing hosting services.

What is A Service of Web Hosting?

Hosting (by the host, ie one who is home, in Italian we have a similar meaning dell’Oste in the figure) is the act of hosting a website. Any website visited is physically placed on a remote computer (server), often located in a server farm. The hosting is the service offered for a few dollars a month for webmasters to allow the placement of your site on a machine always connected to the Internet, accessible to a fixed IP address, which is directed the Internet domain of the site, which is monitored by a technical staff in order to ensure the operation 24 hours a day (24 hours per day) of the hosting service.

A hosting provider is required if you want to create your own web site without the use of free platforms like Blogger or WordPress. To get a full sense of what a web hosting provider, according to Wikipedia:
What is A Service of Web Hosting?
A web hosting service is a type of Internet service that allows individuals and company to create their own website accessible via the World Wide Web Web hosting services are companies that provide space on a server they own, as well as Internet connection.

In general, there are several key factors that you should check when choosing a web hosting for your blog or website.


Space required to store files and folders.


When you choose a web hosting service do these types of questions:

  • Do you have a phone number for customer support? 
  • Do you support e-mail? 
  • In such times of day and which days of the week you are available for support?

Data Analysis:

Check if your web hosting is able to give you all the tools necessary to obtain data relating to traffic and tracks your progress.


Do not go choose any name, first check if the services are serious.

PHP, Perl, and MySQL Support:

Some of the features needed to manage a website or blog today on PHP language, or part of the Perl programming language. You also need to create a MySQL database to build a website.


It ‘s the maximum of information (bits/second) that can be transferred to a site.

Top Web Hosting Providers

Top Web Hosting Providers 2019

Below I have listed the ones I think are the best web hosting on the Internet. To help you compare the various services have highlighted the main features.

In particular:

Unlimited Domain: 

You are able to create more ‘domains.

Unlimited Bandwidth: 

You can carry an unlimited amount of data from one point to another in a given period of time.

Unlimited disk space: 

The amount of space to store files and folders.


This is a control panel used to simplify the management of a website very easily. For example, you can install WordPress in a few clicks.

Note on about the width of banda: 

Although this is often a promise made by the web Inmotion Hosting, it is impossible for any provider to actually provide an unlimited amount of bandwidth or disk space. It ‘s simply impossible.

Host Monster:

E ‘became one of the most webhosting’ famous in the field. You can ‘have an unlimited domain, unlimited disk space, cPanel, and much more. Hosting plans start at about $ 5.95/mese.


It ‘s definitely one of the best around. For only $ 4.95 per month, you can get unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, cPanel, individual domains (7.95 dollars per domain Or unlimited), unlimited email accounts, unlimited FTP accounts and much, much more. It also provides good support and competitive prices.


DreamHost boasts perhaps the most loyal customer base in the web hosting industry, with many customers rising to defend the company in times of difficulty. The latest promotion offers unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited domain, unlimited email accounts, unlimited MySQL databases, and a Linux operating system. The company hosting plans start at about $ 8.95 and provide free domain registration.


JustHost is a Inmotion Hosting that provides the servers and domains for many companies on their websites. JustHost provides unlimited domain, unlimited bandwidth, and unlimited disk space. The number of e-mail can be unlimited in order to offer each of your employees with an e-mail address. Plans start at about $ 3.45 per month.


This is another great web Inmotion Hosting, who was born in 1996. There are a lot of customers who use the service of Bluehost. They offer customers unlimited disk space, unlimited bandwidth, domains, and additional features such as FTP, PHP, CGI, cPanel, and much more.


This provider was born in 1998. From the beginning, they wanted to give their personal touch in the hosting industry. They offer a hosting package that is only $ 66/anno, not bad. This plan has unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space, unlimited mailboxes for the entire herd and much more.

Complete Details About Hosting

Summing up the hosting is the “web space” on which is placed on the physical content of a website (pages, images etc).

The hosting service founded in Italy in 1997 as a service offered by Internet service providers, often accompanied with free subscription to the Internet, in anticipation of a purchase by the customer and given free to the paid service with professional features and much more space available.

In the current hosting packages for sale almost always includes the ability to associate the web space to register a web domain and the creation of one or more mailboxes. They are also available online to free hosting, they offer a certain amount limited web space and often the obligation of banner advertising, through which the company providing the service is sustained.

The disadvantages of the solutions of ‘free hosting, with respect to that charge, there is no guarantee of the continuity of service (no existing contract system) and there is a risk therefore that the Web sites hosted in them can be removed or not active a certain period of time or indefinitely.

Also free hosting may not ensure connectivity, as it is often relegated to machines that do not have a powerful connectivity (often limited specifically to push the purchase hosting fee). The bandwidth is rapidly contention among many users when the available bandwidth is shared among a large number of users that host free websites with high traffic.

There is also a great range of cheap and techniques regarding the hosting fee and the costs often vary in relation to the use that you want to make a website and some criteria that can often result in costs to rise, as in cases when it comes to security or management of a large amount of data (large databases or web sites with the highest number of visits that engage the machine excessively and require a high degree of connectivity capable of supporting thousands of users online without slowing down the service ).

The hosting packages are different, as well as technical service and support offered (some companies have poor levels of service, others offer services with high costs that are worth every penny in terms of professionalism and service), even for functions and additions that offer the simple web hosting as a space.

And ‘the case of backup services, dell’https with encryption (useful for areas in which they exchange data extremely important), MySQL databases, statistical services and analysis of traffic and visits, supports PHP,  Python, or ASP, and more. In many cases the host is then also offered on dedicated servers, ie exclusive of machines that the customer can borrow a higher monthly cost shared hosting and allows you to have control over your machine and memory resources and power calculation entirely at their disposal.

Also in this area, as in any other sector, there are offers from 20 per year to hundreds of dollars a month. The advice offered is to read the reviews in online forums for engineers to choose the company of choice for the purchase of web hosting service. Often later can not be easily handled all of your work from one server to another company, especially when the Web developed involves the use of databases or scripts that require special server-side configurations that some hosting companies that own and others refuse to implement.

Shared host it, some hosting companies are refusing to apply some settings are very important for the security of applications Outgrow, why not allow the use of these web spaces of the most inexperienced webmaster scripts that are used to download from the network and install on your server (eg PHP scripts that require secure mode off). Although these scripts are not sure many companies are refusing to set the security policy (which if activated would not allow the use of many unsafe scripts, with complaints from the webmasters of low quality, which would change supplier).

This means that very often, websites are hosted on shared hosting service to see the often blocked by excessive demand for connectivity made by another web site hosted on the same physical machine, or slowed due to a loop of code broken by poorly written another webmaster with which you have the misfortune of sharing the server.

For those starting out, consider purchasing spaces strictly Linux (not Windows) to make the most of PHP scripts that allow you to operate regularly writing to text files or to run most of the web-based software that require the use of permits in writing (which is not feasible hosting windows), and networking tips, please read the discussion forum where we talk about web hosting and design.

How To Find And Choose The Best Hosting Services 2019

Thursday 27 December 2018

The most excellent article writing service is one that can compose a written work coherently, while maintaining good style and quality. In terms of search engine optimization (SEO), the degree of excellence a writing possesses is measured by how well the article writer marks letters, words or other symbols in a way that improves the efficiency of retrieval by a search engine.

Top 5 Best SEO Article Writing Services

A search engine is a program that searches for and identifies documents and other items in a database that match or have a close similarity to characters or keywords specified by a user.

Keywords are informative words with great significance, used by search engines to indicate the content of a document. A piece of written material that best matches a user’s specified keyword will appear first in the listing of results returned by a search engine.

Therefore, to be defined as the “best SEO article article writing service,” the work performed must be both properly optimized for an information retrieval system, and be well formed; in accordance with the productive rules of grammar of a language.

Top 5 Best SEO Article Writing Services

To determine who’s the leading SEO article writing service, I performed a web search query by entering “best article writing service” in the Google search box. Once the requested information was returned, I ordered one article from four content provides whose website had appeared first place in the listing of results returned by Google. The fifth article was written by me. I should note, I am not a person who writes articles as a job or regular occupation.

To be as fair as possible, I selected the same article title for each article ordered, and left it up to the author to choose the article’s slant. After all, the job of a SEO writer is to optimize the page’s content in a way that matches the keywords in the article’s title.

Upon receiving the completed articles, I created 5 identical domains. Since it’s impossible to have 5 domain names with the exact network address, I simply placed a single number at the end of each domain name. Then published all the written works to the World Wide Web within the same hour.

In theory, the article that appears first in the list of results returned by Google, will establish exactly who is the best SEO article writing service.

1. Article Writing Source

The article that ranked best in Google’s search engine results (SERPs) pages was written by me. While I am experienced in SEO content writing, I’m not entirely skilled in using written words in various techniques and styles to communicate ideas. However, writing articles for the Web differs greatly when compared to writing an essay for a university professor.
Writing SEO content involves manipulating a number of attributes within the HTML source of a article page in an attempt to increase the page’s visibility in search engines. So even though I don’t write high quality content in regards to style and grammar, I still manage to rank first because I possess good SEO content writing strategies.

2. Need an Article

Need an Article dot-com came in at second best in Google’s SERP. Need an Article is a article writing service that claims to provide good website content that is fresh, relevant, and cost effective. Their mission is not to be the leading, or even the biggest content writing service, instead, their aim is to be the best.

This site specializes in furnishing blog writings, business writings, and search engine optimization based content writings. They also offer content marketing services, press release writing, and Resume writing. Bilingual writers are also available.

3. Go Dot Media

Go Dot Media dot-com’s article ranked third best in Google’s SERP. The website claims their articles are written by professional writers who have a full understanding on the process of writing SEO-friendly content. They also state they are a premier writing service that focuses on supplying copywriting service, high quality blog articles, and website content that is superior to the rest.

This fully managed content writing service also provides a dedicated account manager for large writing projects, unlimited revisions, and a free trial.

4. Pro Article Writing

Pro article writing dot-com’s article ranked fourth best in Google’s SERP. Their website guarantees well-researched articles, written by native speakers. They perform extensive research of your niche before composing articles, then assign the literary works to writers with specific knowledge of your niche.

They claim to have a good understanding on writing SEO-optimized articles, and use various SEO tools to write the most effective articles. This site was also the second cheapest article writing service we reviewed.

5. Fiverr

Fiverr dot-com is not dedicated specifically to article writing, it’s a global online marketplace that offers task and services on various types of freelance jobs.

It does offer an extensive system of freelance writers that help supply webmasters with unique and relevant content for their website. was the most affordable source for website content.
I choose a content writer that claimed to be a professional writer, and one that had the most positive feedback rating. I ordered an extra gig to have the article properly SEO optimized for traffic and rankings, but despite this, it ranked last in SERPs.

Writing articles for the Web is more than just the activity or skill of composing text or marking coherent words on paper. Optimizing articles is important too. Before you outsource your next writing project, you might want to consider learning how to write SEO content and compose the articles yourself.

What are the Top 5 Best SEO Article Writing Services?

When writing website content, write short well-edited pieces with precision and clarity, and expect users to only read 25 percent of the text.

6 Important Tips for Content Writing

6 Important Tips for Content Writing:

1. Keep it short

Studies show that web-surfers don’t read all the text on a web page. Instead they skim the material, drawing out ideas at lighting speeds, resonating with some ideas and disposing of the rest. Research shows that web users read less than half the information on a page if their are more than 120 words on it. Analyst conclude that web-readers only read 25 percent of the printed mater on a computer screen.

The more words written, the less people will read.
Not all content on a web-page should be short. Some arguments should be made for complex subjects (you’re browsing/skimming one now) but when in doubt, limit text to the bare necessities, then eliminate more.

2. Keep it relevant

Web-surfers are fickle, and likely to leave a web page if the content isn’t closely connected to the page title. How many browsers are open on your computer monitor now? Hopefully you didn’t count the number of windows open, because if you did, it’s likely you didn’t revisit this article.
Consider your targeted audience before writing an article. Web users are typically looking for specific information. The writers job is to anticipate the visitors goal, and to provide them with the facts their searching for. Keep the text relevant and focused so readers don’t have the urge to leave and check their twitter account, read email messages, or go watch YouTube videos.

3. Keep it clear

When people write for one anther, they commonly switch to the quaker language they’re comfortable using. This type of language is full of jargon and shorthand that makes them clear to fellow colleagues, but opaque to people that don’t have authoritative knowledge in that subject area. Don’t use this “insider language.” Also, writers often bury leads and construct flowery evocative prose that sound good, but doesn’t add any factual or purposeful information. Precision and clarity should be the priority.
When writing for the web, especially if writing a short article, arrange the conclusion towards the top, limit each paragraph to one main idea, without using the passive voice.

4. Keep it scanable

Web visitors don’t read web pages — they scan them. Write the article so readers can quickly locate the information that’s important to them. Use subheadings that are easy to understand and clear, highlight keywords in bold typeface so the text jumps out at readers (but don’t present to many headings that it becomes distracting).
Studies have been performed using heat maps that identify the areas of a web page most frequently scanned by users. A consistent F pattern emerged, because visitors scan two horizontal lines near the top of the page, then down the left side of the page. To address this, and other common reading habits, try the following recommendations:
  • Start a paragraph, bullet points and subheads with information-carrying words that readers will see when skimming down the left side of content page.
  • State the most important information in the first two paragraphs. The most critical information should be in the first paragraph as they’ll be less likely to read the second paragraph.

5. Have an editor

We all need an editor. Every writing you put on the World Wide Web should get a final review by a person who wasn’t involved in the written work. Whenever you publish something on the Internet, have at least two or three people give the piece of work a final review.
Throughout our education, we’ve got used to writing and editing our material without having a person to do the final review, but you shouldn’t write that way for your own blog or website. Plan on having someone responsible for the editorial word before publication.

6. Learn from others

There’s lots of great sources available online about how to write well, how to write for a website, and how to write well online. There are blogs devoted to teaching people how to write for blogs, and websites devoted to teaching web masters how to write web content.

6 Important Tips for Content Writing

Friday 21 December 2018

Small business startup advice is easy to find. But getting good advice from someone who has actually been involved in a small business startup?

6 Best Small Business Startup Advice

That's a different story.

I know how frustrating it is thinking about starting a small business -- but not knowing what to do or where to begin. I learned (often the hard way) what it takes to start up a business -- and what it takes to put it all on the line and make the move. 

Sure, you can get business advice anywhere -- in magazines, websites and even from the government. But it's funny how most of that advice comes from people who have never started a business of their own.

Small business ideas and opportunities

I truly believe you should do what you love and not start a business just to start a business. However, you can't look forever, so here's a good starting point. Check out my growing list of small business ideas to help your startup.

Marketing Your Small Business

One of the biggest reasons any business will fail is a lack of marketing. Or should I say a lack of "good" marketing? Learn what works and what doesn't for small business startup marketing.

Make Your Business Legal

Real business needs to be legal and registered with each state and with the IRS. That means you'll pay taxes as a business and get certain tax breaks as a business. But are there benefits to incorporating verses being a sole proprietor? Read about the pros and cons of incorporating.

Money for your Small Business

Hopefully, you've come to realize that nothing can be done without money. You need it to start. You need it to grow. In fact, you need it to live! Some of the answers you may be looking for may include "are small business grants really available?" and "how much do you charge for a product or service?" Find out more about money for your small business.

Small business startup plans

Do you need a plan? Of course, you do. But it's a question of how formal it needs to be and what you're going to use the plan for. You need to answer some questions before you determine how much time and effort you need to invest into developing a small business plan.

Startup a small business on the internet

At no other time in the history of the world did anybody and everybody have a chance to start a business until the world wide web made it possible. The internet gives everyone a chair, a computer and the will a chance to make a living from home. Here are three ways you can get started with your own internet business.

Advice only takes you so far.

The ball is in your court.

This isn't a site that promises to show you the secret to millions. There are no tricks. No shortcuts. I've studied ideas and opportunities for years and I still haven't found anything that gets you rich overnight.

It isn't that hard once you get rolling. And no, it's not easy, either. But if you work at it, set realistic goals, and promise yourself you're going to do it -- you will. 

6 Best Small Business Startup Advice

Sunday 16 December 2018

Get Orders Fast on Fiverr

I've great knowledge and little experience of graphics designing, web design, niche research, affiliate marketing, CPA, PPC, email marketing, ethical hacking and blogging etc.

But I love SEO a lot. Like to beat all big giants sitting on the 1st page of Google in high competition. I am not consistent at all and leave every field after earning some pennies.

So, consistency is the key to success. And laziness will bring you nowhere because laziness is also lazy.
I am telling you all this because I don't want you to all that I am have done.

But you can follow my strategy that brought first order on newly created profile in 7 days.
The profile was well optimized. I connected all my required social profile with Fiverr and wrote a good bio.

I created the first gig, got title idea from best selling gigs, merged those titles, and created a unique title.
The main reason to do this was to be unique and boost CTR. (People click on your gig because of title and image and it boosts CTR and CTR boosts ranking).

Before creating a gig, I created 1 gig image in Photoshop. (Also got the idea this time from Fiverr, I searched my gig service keyword, and checked all best selling gigs images).

Whenever you title your gig, it becomes permanent permalink of your gig. (Having keyword and short permalink is a plus point in SEO).

For example: if your service is keyword research, and you want to have only "keyword research" in permalink then title your gig "I will keyword research". and save the gig. (You can add a minimum of 4 words in the title but it is an example). "I will" will not be counted in the permalink. Now, your gig's permalink is Fiverr .com/keyword-research.

Permalink is short and sweet? Done.

Now move to the gig's tags. Just copy tags from some best selling gigs (1 tag per gig). Also, enter your keyword in the search bar and you will get some keywords from there. Be unique, don't copy just get inspiration. Copying gig tags are not copying. But copying the whole gig is copying.

Now you are done with title and tags. Let's move to the description section.
This is the main part where you need to be creative. This is the part where you convince the buyer to order your gig. First, describe who you are and what are you offering actually. Then write down the features of your gig.

Don't copy description of any gig at all, I said NO. Fiverr is good at detecting plagiarism. See how they detect the words when you ask for email, money or contact etc.
Write a killer description. Use the word "YOU" "TODAY" to grab their attention. In fact, it is the art of copywriting (google it).

For example; Are YOU looking for best PBN links but YOU found nobody to be legit. YOU are not sure whether those link or good for YOUR blog or not. Then YOU should use my service TODAY. (Makes no sense of using the word "today" but it adds value.) Introduce yourself: I am... I have ... years of experience etc. Bold the words that are important. And highlight them.

Bullet and number your gig's features. Also, add some bonuses. For example, Buy 1 get 1 free! Only for first 5 buyers etc.

Don't forget to add a keyword in title, tags and description first and last 2-4 sentences. And rest of the description will be naturally optimized with the usage of the keyword.


Why we are doing all this? We can get orders with less effort.

Yes, you are right. But your goal is to be unique, to do long-term work, to beat the competition, to drive orders on autopilot, to achieve a high level. Think Big, Achieve Big. !!
When you are finished with the description, add FAQs. Make sure to add keyword at least one time in FAQs. Add the FAQs to the limit. It makes you different.

And uniqueness is key to success on Fiverr.

Don't price high.

Tip; Basic package should have $5 price. It boosts CTR.

I forgot about pricing, delivery time and packaging. There is no rocket science here. All you need to do is price LOW and set the delivery time 1 day. If you use VIDEO instead of images, it will definitely boost sales (aka orders).

Majority of buyers on Fiverr are stupid. And you have to bear their rudeness. They are in hurry and need a cheap freelancer. This way they are on Fiverr. (Fiverr originated from number 5. Mean every service in $5. Now the concept is changed).

I think we are all done with creating a gig and I talked about how can optimize and rank your gig in the right way.

Let's talk about How I Got My First Order On New Profile In 7 DAYS with no work.
Newbies frequently complain about orders. It is no more issue. I know it is not easy to get first order as your profile has 0 trust level and no reviews. I think you are aware that how important Fiverr gig reviews are.

It is very frustrating when you spend a lot of time (actually it is not a lot of time, you just created a profile, created gig and waited for order and quit Fiverr. Not convinced anyone to order who messaged you).
Back to the topic. 
1. Searched my keyword on google. Example; keyword research site: Quora. com
2. Google showed me all question answers and I clicked on the first result.
3. I answered him. (I know how to rank answers on Quora)
4. I added my Fiverr profile link in the answer. My answer ranked #2.
5. One freelancer saw my answer, he got inspired from my explanation, he bookmarked my answer, and the next day he referred one client to me on Fiverr. He was level two seller and I was very new to Fiverr. (I am talking about my third profile. I got my 1st two accounts banned. So, I had great knowledge that how things work on Fiverr)
That's All. I know it is very lengthy but it is life changing. I think it is an ultimate Fiverr guide. If you are still thinking to buy Fiverr course they are the only one fool on Earth.


  • - Reply to everyone who messages you. Don't reply to one who is asking for free work or asking to teach. Just reply them once, and tell them it is not allowed.
  • - I got my first order on my first profile by creating a custom offer in the inbox. It is a hidden gem. If you read Fiverr blog you will find all these strategies that I listed above. But I am telling you my whole experience.
  • - I drive my most orders from returning customers and then from search. This is how I convince, communicate and build a relationship with them. When I got banned I messaged all my returning customers that my profile is blocked you can hire me on a new one. (I got their email addresses during work and I save the email of every buyer)
  • - Don't be pushy about the order in the inbox, just be polite and reply on time. You will have to do hard work in initial days with less pay. After getting 10+ orders you can increase the prices. But don't change the price of the basic package.
  • - While testing, I found that gigs with the highest price rank well, but gigs with $5 basic package earn well.
  • - Keep an eye on gigs stats. Check all gigs performance at weekend and change images, title, tags of gigs that are not performing well.
  • - Create maximum gigs as you can. And keep killing the gigs which are not performing well.
  • - Don't forget to save the whole gig in your PC, if you get banned, you have a backup. I had not saved gigs' data of my 1st 2 accounts. It is very panic for me it is time taking process to create new gig images, video, description etc.
  • - Ask for Tip in the delivery message and it works! (You should ask)
  • - Create quick responses. There are a lot of buyers who ask the same questions. It will save your time! TIME IS MONEY!
  • - Don't share personal information in chat. Don't give him info if he asks. You should ask.
  • You can ask your client in a tricky way to give their email. (In my gig services, email is compulsory). Sometimes the user shares their login details and you can use that email address.
  • - Pass test which is related to your skills. I am counted in Top 10% IN SKILLS CATEGORY WHO HAVE HIGHEST TEST MARKS.
  • - Share on social media, Quora, LinkedIn.

Believe me, it is life changing. It will save you a lot of time. I have not copied the whole Fiverr blog here but summarized some.

These tactics are legit and white hat. I gathered all this information from my experience and Fiverr official support.

Comment if you liked. Also, share your strategies and experience. HAPPY EARNING !!

[Case Study] Get Orders Fast on Fiverr

Saturday 15 December 2018

If you were an amateur blogger hoping to make it big on the arena, there are more subtle ways to do it rather than just plunging head-on into the marketing streams – fishing for traffic. Apart from some of the tips that we are going to run down your way, the golden rule to make money while blogging is to keep unique and interesting content on the Blog. Without it, pretty much any ruse – from SEO tips to paid surveys will fall flat on their face.

5 Easy Blogging Tips to Make Money Online

So what are the tricks of making your blog a complete money-minter? Well, for starters, here are some easy ones to experiment with –

1. Write for the Readers 

Writing for the sake of writing and then expecting that your Blog will be up among the high rises is a major mistake that most bloggers fail to take into account while trying to make money online through such skills. Ensure that you are writing for the readers and delivering what your prologue for the Blog promises to. The more unique and interesting content that you keep on your Blog – the more traffic you hold onto as conversions – and the more money you make!

2. Search Engines Can Drive Traffic Too 

Search engines can also be a great way to drive traffic towards your Blog. So if you think you will lonely depend on organic traffic and not work on your SEO tips and marketing skills – you will be languishing in the same position for ages! Take a cue from the bigger and more popular blogs and check out the SEO strategies they have implemented – and executed the same with your blog. It is better to hire a professional SEO operative for a few months to get the Blog on the online radar and then go ad-hoc with your marketing.

3. Monetize the Blog 

Monetizing your Blog with Google AdSense or some other advertising tool can help you make money online – albeit indirectly from your blog. The best way is to write posts that can help you get popular ads up on it and then let people click on it. Good positioning and the right relevant adds with a riveting post is what can make this happen.

4. Help Sell Stuff

Help other people sell stuff through your Blog. This does not mean that you will be selling out your Blog but to provide a platform on a post or two for marketing messages to be attached or based upon. This will help you earn some easy money too – either through commissions or through a marketing-host-cost plan!

5. Perseverance is Key 

Though all of these blogging tips are good to work on any Blog, remember, you need to stick to the task to actually reap rewards. SEO tips or not, perseverance will help your Blog be a money-minter – and not reams of Blogging tips and strategies for you to execute every other day.

If you have learnt the trick though these blogging tips and SEO tips, take a walk into the world of making money online through Blogging. If you are smart enough, we will see you on the Forbes’ list soon enough!

5 Easy Blogging Tips to Make Money Online

Did you know that buying fitness equipment for your residence isn't really that difficult? It is true that the world of health equipment can appear to be a maze at instances and that there are literally a whole bunch of different types of fitness gear items that may work well on your house arrangement. Nonetheless, with a little steerage, the method really isn't that arduous and you may be amazed on the bargains that you will discover in case you simply dig a bit deeper than the typical shopper is usually prepared to. Let's take a look at some ideas that can assist you out in your quest for brand new health equipment.

3 Little Recognized Tips To Shopping For Health Gear

1. Look at used equipment. 

This is where some good offers may be found. Health equipment can get hold of a bizarre standing in a person's home. They could have been actually excited to purchase it initially and dreams of a matching body and monthly health club savings might need to be crammed their head. Nevertheless, after 3 months, the gear usually sits vacant in that individual's home. Used tools generally is a really whole lot because of the fact that it's often instanced almost nearly as good as new but now it's for sale. To you. For cheap. Try newspapers, eBay, and different places; examine prices and get a deal.

2. Think about business health equipment. 

Typically times, you can buy the same equipment that your local gymnasium has. Think about, you can have that very same (gasp!) Stairmaster that has dogged you for years on the native Ballys, right in your basement. This could be appealing to some who have the capital to spend money on a big piece of equipment. For those who not have to pay a $50 monthly charge to go to a gym every month, this may be a very smart investment. Look into business tools, you are likely to be pleasantly surprised.

3. The first two factors are almost nugatory without contemplating the financing of your new fitness equipment. 

When trying to finance your new set of fitness gear there are tons of important elements to keep in mind. You actually don't need to be paying an excessive amount of for gear that is likely to be found at a cheaper worth (after all the things are taken into account) elsewhere.

In case you crave more info concerning ways to make money online swing by the blogger's web page in a flash.

3 Little Recognized Tips To Shopping For Health Gear

Facts and Information About Article Marketing

The thought of article marketing definitely has taken on significant amounts of space in a lot of sites. The true purpose for this is that this article marketing concept is one thing that is implicitly associated with advertising. There are several portals available that act as a focal point for several different markets. You will find those students who are looking for info on specific industries or even certain processes. And here, article marketing come in. Blue chip conglomerates could provide details about their industry and then supply a link to their site. This really is really an effective mechanism to obtain a whole lot of exposure.

Simply because of so numerous sites out there like, for instance, ezine and marketing scoop just, for example, it can be possible to definitely boost your levels of exposure quickly. Nonetheless, in relation to article marketing, you ought to make selected that no matter what you do pen down is of absolute use for your end consumer. The actual fact with the matter right here is you can't at any point get as well verbatim or too technical in whatever content you put down unless it can be something highly technical you might be talking about. The really best thing you might be in a position to do so that you just can gather some knowledge is always to refer up examples of article marketing for the World Wide Web.

In addition, it requirements to be stated that when taking into consideration the aspect of article marketing you should ensure that when certain topics are looked into there's a headline that's search engine optimized. For example, if you're talking about info connected for the alcohol industry, you ought to become getting a headline that states,?Detailed information on the US alcohol industry? instead of something like?An in-depth analysis of the info concerning the US alcohol company?. Your headings need to be short and crisp to ensure analysis engines can really easily pick them out. This way you could acquire far more visitors to your article.

With that explained, article marketing is a good way of disseminating info to all concerned parties. That being stated, you ought to make specific that the articles you do market are worthwhile in what they present and are not just filler articles that ramble on about needless information. Referring article marketing tips would surely help you understand what is desired by most sites. Nonetheless, it can be great to note there are specific rules that should be observed when submitting articles to various article resource sites. Non-adherence to these suggestions would mean that your article will automatically get taken off the portal. With this in thoughts, it really is advisable that you just consider all suggestions and tips prior to generating any submission to external sites on the net.

Facts and Information About Article Marketing

Thursday 29 November 2018

ZennoPoster 5 - Automate any tasks in the Internet

What is ZennoPoster?

Record and Debug
You only need to press Record and perform you actions on required website

Visual projects
All your actions will be recorded in the program in simple and easy to understand flowcharts

Well-known browser
ProjectMaker application for creating project has built-in browser based on Mozilla Firefox

Elements highlighting
The browser has a smart page elements highlighting feature

                                        DOWNLOAD LINKS & INSTALLATION:

[GET] ZennoPoster 5 Pro - Free Download - Update Nov 2018

Sunday 18 November 2018

Have you ever seen an advertise with us page on a popular blog?

What have you seen there in the advertise with us page?

According to me, you should have seen some statistics of the blog and a contact us widget. If an advertiser visits the advertise with us page, he/she will use the contact form to contact the blogger.


One of your visitors faced an issue with your blog like:

The tutorial you said isn't working, Your website is loading slowly, He is facing problems with the pop-ups. So the visitor needs your email to contact you. For this purpose, we should add a contact us page in Blogger blog.

How to Add Contact Form (Contact Us Page) In Blogger

This tutorial includes three steps. But don't worry, it isn't hard, all you need to do is follow each and every step carefully and you can easily set up a contact us page in your Blogger blog.

1. Adding the contact form to the sidebar

To add the contact form to your pages like " contact us ", " advertise with us ", we need to add the contact form to the sidebar and later move it to the page we need.

1. Go to and click on the layout of your desired blog.


2. On the sidebar, Click on Add a gadget.


3. Scroll down and click on 'Contact Form'.


4. Click on save.

Hoorah, you have successfully added a Contract form to the sidebar of your blog and this is the time to move it away from the sidebar.

2. Hiding the contact form

With Blogger, we don't have any option to move widgets from the sidebar to Pages.

In WordPress, there are many plugins like Contact form 7, which gives you shortcodes and you can paste the shortcode anywhere in your blog and the contact form appears.

So, We will hide the contact form from the sidebar and move it away into Pages.

1. Go to and click on the template.

2. Click on Edit HTML.

3. Search for ]]</b:skin>

4. Just above the ]]</b:skin>, paste the below code :

div#ContactForm1 {
display: none !important; }

The code is written on CSS and it will tell Blogger not to display the widget named ( Contact form ). As we have already added the contact form in the step-1, it would be automatically hidden.

3. Add contact us page in Blogger

Now, We will add the contact form to blogger pages.

1. Go to and click on pages and click on Add new

2. Give the page a title like Contact Us or me

3. Click on HTML of page editor, Paste the below code in the content box.

<div id="custom_ContactForm1"
class="widget ContactForm">
<div class="contact-form-widget
<p>Get in touch with us by fillin
out the form below.</p>
<div class="form">
<form name="contact-form">
<input type="text" value="" size=
name" class="contact-form-name
<span style="font-weight:
<input type="text" value="" size=
email" class="contact-form-email
<span style="font-weight:
<textarea rows="5" name="email
message" id="ContactForm1_con
form-email-message" cols="25"
<input type="button" value="Sen
submit" class="contact-form-butt
<div style="text-align: center; m
width: 222px; width: 100%">
<p id="ContactForm1_contact-for
error-message" class="contact-f
<p id="ContactForm1_contact-for
success-message" class="contac
<div class="clear"></div>
<span class="widget-item-contro
<span class="item-control blog-
<a title="Edit"
("ContactForm1"));" href="//
right-1" class="quickedit">
<img width="18" height="18" src
icon18_wrench_allbkg.png" alt=""
<div class="clear"></div>

Important: This code is not written by me. The code credits go to Ankit Singla from

Advantages of this Contact form

No fear of anything: Some bloggers use third-party widgets to add contact us page in Blogger. But they aren't considered safe.

They might contain some virus or affect blog load time. This widget if officially provided by Google. So no need for worrying.

Fully customizable: If you know CSS language, you can easily change colors, styles, and Sizes.

Avoid Spammers: Actually, providing our email directly in the blog is dangerous. If a hacker knows you Email, He will contact you in the name of Blogger and in his mail, he writes that, Login to your blog to resolve issues etc.

When you click on the link, you will land on a page that exactly looks like Blogger and when you enter your login details, The hacker can get your login details and can easily login to your blog.

With the contact form, No one can see your email, so there is no risk involved using the Contact form.

Wrapping Up

This is tutorial to add contact us (contact form) to Blogger. If you like it, just share it and let your friends know about this post.

How to Add Contact Form (Contact Us Page) In Blogger

Saturday 17 November 2018

Benefits of Hiring Web Development Company for PHP development

The Internet is a medium that has deep penetrated its roots in the lives of the millions of people. A whole lot of old and new businesses are willing to dive into the world of virtual market. And, this has resulted in the launch of new and advanced technologies, applications, and platforms to develop the same.

And, no doubt, PHP has made a way long effort and come up as a useful language to the world wide web developers. And, a lot of PHP web development companies solve the needs by providing top-notch services. Here in this article, we would be concentrating on the advantages that a PHP based web development company would offer rather than the benefits of PHP as a language.

They are as follows—

  1. These web development companies follow a strategical planning towards your projects. Therefore, it sheds off the need for putting that extra effort at your ends.
  2. You can actually concentrate on the core business and sit back and enjoy the services they offer.
  3. You tend to get the set of highly skilled professionals offering you the best possible services.
  4. As the scope of the Internet and the clicks are increasing, so as the demand for such professional PHP development companies. This in turn, avails you the services at affordable prices.
  5. With the PHP development, there is a broader technical support.
  6. And, if we talk about outsourcing these services from India, they not only offers you the development part, but concentrates on the testing, documentation and maintenance part as well.
  7. These service providers make use of the best tools, the different frameworks for developing the dynamic pages.

Benefits of Hiring Web Development Company for PHP development

WordPress Training - StudioPress Tips

If you are planning to have a blog of your own don’t forget to avail a wordpress training this will make your task easy and more enjoyable. There are many available wordpress training in the internet but I guarantee you that my training is the most comprehensive of all.
WordPress is very easy to use, set up and maintain and the most importance of all this is 100 percent free.

The general rules is there is really no reason to pay for wordpress training because of there is so many resource available today in the internet, just search for the keyword “wordpress training” in google  and google while return a hundred of website offering a  free tutorial.
In addition of great deal of text-only tutorials there are many available resources for WordPress this included step-by-step guides with color illustration to clearly define what you need to do, videos show how to configure the software and write content for your articles and  blog and recommendation  on the best plugins and hundred of free theme to use for your won website.

WordPress is known for being a free open source software it begin with just blog platform, but now after many development and previous enhancements it has become the ultimate choice in website builder and content management system combined.

There really nothing new in wordpress site building thousand of blogger and website webmaster already created a huge number of sites using great software. And of course most of them will have some training of sort before they get started.

Like any other software  you will do a better and progress lot quicker if you choose the best wordpress training and I must say that the learning trail is really not that hard and even for the beginner like you getting a grips with this software is a quick and easy painless process.
Even that you don’t have any experience in using online software before you will be easily use this website builder, it’s very simple and absolutely no harden than using Excel or Microsoft word.

Just remember always pick the right training for what you want to achieve with your site. There is so much free WordPress training available that it may be difficult to know where to start.

WordPress Training - StudioPress Tips

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